Sunday, December 30, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Article: Mission Impossible?

It is my pleasure to present to you this article that was published in the internationally read Nshei Chabad Newsletter. Below is the unabridged version: Mission: Assigned

An important assembly was taking place in heaven. Each angel stood eagerly waiting for his turn to receive his mission. G-d turned to one angel and began: “You will be Malach Michoel. You will be responsible for nurturing, assisting and supporting the Jewish people.” He turned to another angel and said, “You will be Malach Gavriel. You will be in charge of fighting the enemies of the Jews.” To a third He said, “You will be Malach Rephoel – healing the sick.” The tasks were given out in this manner to many more angels, until He turned to the last one and announced, “You will be the Satan.”

The puzzled angel inquired, “Satan? What is that? What do I have to do?”

“Ah,” G-d replied. “Your job is to make trouble.”

“Trouble? What do you mean?”

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weekly Food for the Soul

A new in-depth teleclass based on the text of Torah Ohr and Lekutei Torah written by the first Chabad Rebbe. These are the classical Chassidic texts upon which later maamarim (discourses) are based. Fulfill the instruction of the Rebbeim to "live with the time" - live with the spiritual dimension of the Torah portion of the week.

This class will explore an excerpt each week and make it real, contemporary, experiential, and personal with interactive discussion.

Tuesdays 8:30pm EST. Cost: $10

Call (718) 756-1485 or email to sign up

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Finally! Workshop for Shluchos Over the Phone

Join shluchos from around the world for
The Workshop for Personal Transformation

Experience an opportunity that will prove very useful in your shlichus. This workshop is exclusively over the phone so you don't have to book a flight to participate.

*Create more balance and enjoyment in your life
*Be more effective in your communication with people
*Set and achieve powerful proactive goals
*It's not about working harder:
It's about creating a shift from the inside

The workshop consists of six sessions starting Monday, November 5 at 8:30 pm EST. Treat yourself to some time reserved just for you... and see the positive effect on the people around you.

Sign up now! Email chana@kabbalahoflife or call (718) 756-1485.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Audio From Workshop

The famous Workshop for Personal Transformation in New York got off to another great start on November 21. We have a wonderful group of women and we're seeing the positive effects already, b'h.

Click here for a short audio clip from the workshop.

Having Trouble Signing Up?

We are experiencing technical difficulties with the program that allows users to sign up to our email list for FREE updates about new multimedia, articles, classes, workshops, and lectures.

If you would like to join, just send us an email and we'll automatically add you to the list.

Thank you for your patience as we resolve this issue.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Audio - Limbs of G-d

Is it really possible to connect to G-d
or are we just making ourselves feel good?

Find out in this short excerpt from a recent lecture in New Jersey.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Women's Night Out in New Jersey

The first Women's Night Out - a monthly gathering for women - in East Brunswick, NJ was a beautiful event! The atmosphere was warm despite the appropriately rainy weather (Cheshvan is the month of the flood) as women from the area came together to learn and ask questions. Participants enjoyed an evening of socializing, food and fascinating learning featuring Chana Ginsburg. Many benefited from the meaningful lecture that was both inspiring and practical. After discovering the unique powers of the current month, the women learned the practical Torah laws of Modeh Ani and washing hands in the morning. They then had a chance to hear powerful answers to questions that were presented before and during the program.

As one lady said, "Coming here is so addictive! I can't wait for the next one."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Audio: Stories for the Holidays

Listen to some beautiful stories in connection with the
holidays that will inspire you for the new year.

For Rosh Hashana stories click here.
For Yom Kippur stories click here.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Your Chance To Join The Workshop!

For participants across the country and across the world, this is for you. Join the powerful Workshop for Personal Transformation from the comfort of your own home without having to book a flight to New York. The workshop over the phone is interactive and engaging. Just make sure to find yourself a quiet spot so you can give this powerful workshop your full attention.

Cost of the workshop: $200 for all 6 sessions.

Duration: 1 1/2 hours. 15 minutes for questions and coaching.

At this point, we would be happy to hear what times work best for you.

1. Which days of the week (excluding Sunday)
2. Day or night

We will for sure have a coaching group at night. If enough people prefer daytime, we will add an additional group during the day. Using the comments feature, please specify which times you prefer and which times would not work for both 1 and 2.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Coaching Group

For people who have taken the popular
Workshop for Personal Transformation

Would you like to refresh and absorb the concepts you learned at the workshop?

Would you like further coaching to apply these concepts?

Would you like to advance by acquiring new tools to empower your life?

Get re-inspired!

A new coaching group will be starting after the holiday season for this purpose. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences of using the tools you learned at the workshop as well as learn new ideas. You will also receive support and coaching for continued application of these tools in your day-to-day life. Meet others who graduated from the workshop.

At this point, we would be happy to hear what times work best for you.
1. Which days of the week
2. Day or night
We will for sure have a coaching group at night. If enough people prefer daytime, we will add an additional group during the day. Using the comments feature, please specify which times you prefer and which times would not work for both 1 and 2.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tishrei in Kabbalah

The Month of Tishrei in Kabbalah article and audio clip is up early so you can be spiritually prepared for the High Holiday season.
Click here.Get ready for this awesome month by becoming aware of the spiritual energies available during this time. Includes special powers of the month and the holidays contained within it.

New Workshop for Personal Transformation Starting October 21

Rewrite the story of your life.
* Sundays at 8:00 - 10:30 pm
* Starting October 21
* $200 for all six sessions, including materials

Based on fundamental principles of Chassidus, concepts are presented in a unique, innovative, and practical format. Cutting-edge coaching techniques and a structured environment help participants internalize and apply these principles in a deep and personal way, transforming areas of life that matter most to them. Benefit from the warmth, support and non-judgmental approach. Find out why people are saying, "The workshop changed my life!"

*Click here for more info about the workshop.
Call (718) 756-1485